Membership Fees and Categories

2024-2025 Season

Active Senior 18+

Hold Bronze Medallion, currently proficient and a patrol member (over 18 yrs)

Active Junior 15-18yrs

Hold Bronze Medallion, currently proficient and a patrol member (15-17 yrs)

Cadet 13-15yrs

Hold Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC), currently proficient and a patrol member (13-15 yrs)

Long Service

By application after 10 years of patrol service and currently Patrolling. To be approved by Management

Active Reserve

By application after 8 years of patrol service and currently Patrolling. To be approved by Management


Hold proficient Radio, SRC (over 15 yrs), Resus, ART or FA award and currently Patrolling.


Associate Member fee with 1 or more active family members and nipper/s.

Associate (No Active Bronze and/or not active club member)

Acceptance by application to management committee only and must abide by Terms and conditions set

Family – 1 Nipper with 1 Active Adult

1 Junior Activity member (5-13 yrs) & 1 Adult holds Bronze Medallion, currently proficient and a patrol member (over 18 yrs)


Family membership – 1 or more Nipper/ Youth with Parent/s or Carer/s (either Associate or Active membership)

To become a member of our club you will need to complete a membership application for every person joining. If you are over 18 years Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) will also require you to complete a working with children check.

You can join Rainbow Bay SLSC online. Please follow the steps listed below. If you have any questions throughout the process, please contact Club Administration on 07 5536 6390 or email

There are 4 main parts to joining:

  1. Completing online Membership Form
  2. Paying Membership Fee
  3. Membership approval
  4. Hold, or Apply for, a current/valid Blue Card

Junior Activities 'Nippers' - 5-15 Years

Junior Activities focus on participation and fun for kids aged between 5 and 13 years (age for a season is calculated as of midnight September 30 each year).

The program is designed to provide an educational experience in a wide range of subjects and skills within the aquatic environment including surf safety, surfing, board paddling, board rescue, beach activities, basic resuscitation and first aid.

Each age group progresses through a Junior Development Certificate and the program also develops skills in leadership and teamwork.

Active Cadets - 13-15 Years

Cadets are aged between 13 and 15 years calculated on a seasonal basis. Cadet members train to complete the Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC), which is the minimum requirement to become a patrolling surf lifesaver.

Active Cadets are the first line of being an active patrol member and upon gaining this award, cadets will be placed on a beach patrol roster to perform patrols under supervision.

This allows the cadet to receive on-the-job training from experienced patrolling members.

Active Juniors - 15-17 Years

Active Juniors are those members between the age of 15 and 17 years who hold a Bronze Medallion Certificate II Award.

Active Juniors are involved in all areas of lifesaving and are also required to perform beach patrol duties in accordance with their membership and qualifications.

Members in this category are also able to gain further lifesaving awards to increase their knowledge and skills including Advanced Resuscitation, Inflatable Rescue Boat Drivers and Crewman’s Certificate, Silver Medallion Life Support, Senior First Aid and a Training Officers Certificate.

Active Seniors - 18+ Years

Active Seniors are members over the age of 18 who hold the minimum Bronze Medallion Certificate II requirement.

Members are also strongly encouraged to gain additional awards to improve their lifesaving skills and knowledge.

Award Members are members who are proficient holders of one or more of the following awards: Radio Operators, Resuscitation Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Certificate, First Aid or a Surf Rescue Certificate. Members with these qualifications can assist with patrol operations.


An Associate member may or may not hold any lifesaving awards.

Associate members do not have affiliated club voting rights unless they are elected to an office or club position.

Active Reserve

Active Reserve members are members who have completed eight years of voluntary service.
Members at this level perform a minimum number of patrol hours.

Long Service

A Long Service member is a lifesaver who has completed ten years of active service or eight years of active service plus four years of reserve active service. Members in this category are exempt from all patrol obligations.

Life Membership

Life Membership may be granted by clubs and /or branches to members that have rendered distinguished or special services over a period of time. Each club differs in their level of service.